Randall Peers

Cymru Wales, Northop Hall Methodist Church


Randall still going strong at 87

At eighty-seven years of age, you might imagine that Randall Peers would be thinking about slowing down – but you’d be wrong.
A lifelong commitment to Northop Hall Methodist Church has seen the retired engineer make an incredible contribution to both the church and the wider community.
It’s no exaggeration to say that his volunteering in the small Flintshire village would put many half his age to shame.
When the local post office was closed, Randall worked with the minister to reopen it in the church premises, providing a lifeline for the elderly who couldn’t travel to the next nearest post office five miles away.
When the church hall needed refurbishing, he was heavily involved in obtaining solar panels and an accessible toilet.
Through his passion for the arts, he helped organise Christmas and other shows, and was instrumental in bringing a regular community film night to Northop Hall – making movies accessible to those who cannot afford to visit the cinema. Up to sixty people have watched some films.
With his late wife Barbara, he set up the local OAP association. He also looked after the bookings for the hall, and helped to make it a home for a toddler group and an over-50s group.
All this, and he’s the chapel organist, too!
‘God has obviously given me a lot of enthusiasm and energy, and I’m very grateful for that,’ said Randall. ‘I enjoy what I do, and am glad to be able to help wherever I can.’
‘Randall has an eye for where grants can be obtained,’ said the Rev Robert Balfour, ‘and a good knowledge of buildings from his engineering background. He’s worked tirelessly for the church and wider community, often with others, but is very modest about it. People like Randall are the glue that binds us together.’