A space for families

Supporting young families

Young adults who have been brought up in care often find the lack of family support difficult when they start raising a family of their own. Regent Street Methodist Church in Newtownards, Northern Ireland, is taking part in a parent support project to help young families across the area.  

The church opens its doors every week so that parents and families can come and see specialist support workers in a calm and friendly environment. People can access a wide range of services ranging from advice about benefits through to counselling.  

Over the years, the relationships between the parents, church volunteers and support workers have grown stronger than ever. Every Christmas the church makes up hampers for parents as Christmas presents, and has helped to organise two weddings for parents in the group.  

The project has had a huge impact. Parents are now finding the support they need, and the church is reaching out beyond the four walls to make a real difference in the community.  

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